Quality Evaluation and Customized Testing

For high volume order, please email sales@leopardimaging.com

Categories: Testing Services

We have a wide variety of services for Quality Evaluation and Customized Testing. This includes:

  • Color Accuracy Testing
  • Color Reproduction
  • MTF Testing
  • Dynamic Range Assessments
  • White Balance Testing
  • Frame Rate Consistency Testing
  • Resolution Testing
  • Image Processing Speed Testing
  • Low Light Performance Tests
  • HDR Testing (up to 170dB)
  • Flare Testing
  • Distortion Testing
  • SNR Testing
  • Stereovision Measurements
  • LED Flicker Testing
  • Specialized Light Conditions
  • Specific Use-Case Simulations
  • Adaptive Optics
  • Field-of-View
  • and many more!